"An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break." - Ancient Chinese Proverb

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Aunt Shanghai Sharon!!

Aubrey Mei had her medical exam and visa photo today-- On Aunt Sha's 29th birthday!??. Thanks to Aunt Sha she was not crying in her photo this time! We had to have another routine medical exam today - 3 parts to the exam. ENT (ear, nose, throat). Body check with listen to lungs and heart. Then finally Height, Weight (17.7 lbs) and temp (97.4). Glad we had a little check up - Aubrey has had an intermittent cough and runny nose, but all seemed good with my little girl. After the required photo and med exam we were off with Aunt Shanghai Sha to explore Shamian Island. What a great place! Aunt Sha was her usual self and taught Aubrey how to bargain! Aubrey Mei got some pretty dresses and finally some shoes that fit her! When we got back to the hotel we put Aubrey's squeaky shoes on her and walked around the room holding my hand-- everytime she took a step her little shoes would squeak and she would laugh and laugh!! What a great way to encourage walking. At 2:30 I had a 90 minute appt to fill out Visa paperwork for Aubrey- with Aunt Sha here I was able to fill out all the paper work while Aunt Sha explored the pool and playground with Aubrey. I was so worried she would cry and miss her Mommy - when I was finally able to finish and meet up with them again, I thought I would find a crying or sad  baby -- what I got were big smiles and complete contentment and  happiness with her Aunt Sha. Can not even begin to express the overwhelming joy I felt knowing how safe my precious daughter felt in the care of her loving Aunt Sharon! Thank you so much Sharon for loving us both so much and so much thanks to Larry, Lindsey and Emily for sharing your wife and your Mommy with me and Aubrey Mei! When we got back to the room there was a birthday cake for Aunt Sha from our CCAI guides Jocelyn and Maggie -- must say CCAI has the best guides -always so nice and always there for us when we need them. We then went to dinner with the group --guess who made a mess again. Aubrey loves to feed herself! Poor Aunt Sha must be starving, they serve lots of pork and beef here! I am so glad we had dinner with the group today - Sharon had a chance to spend time with some of the group and to see just how great everyone is! Both my precious daughter and my loving sister are asleep now and once again I am sitting here amazed at how blessed I am -- to have such a sweet, beautiful, happy daughter and a wonderful family that loves us so much!

Love my little girl soooo much!

Aunt Sha - please tell Mommy to stop with the pictures!! It is time to SHOP!

love my red shoes from Aunt Sha - think I will wear them tomorrow for the OATH!

Happy girl ---- before the medical exam!

1 comment:

  1. I am loving the updates. Aubrey looks so happy, I am THRILLED she has adjusted well to her new Mommy, but like I said before, I knew she would adjust to you very fast, you have a positive energy and I knew you would make her feel so loved and secure right away. Happy Birthday to Sharon! I am so happy Sharon was able to be there for you to share this wonderful time in your life. From the time I was little I always thought of you and Sharon as a pair, probably bc you were the youngest two and still living at Grandmas, I remember you both as teenagers, so it just seems so fitting that you and Sharon are together for this. Love to everyone! Heather and Family XOXOX
